Global tips

Account instantiated

The API Resources Reference usage and example calls assume you have an account already instantiated. See the account reference on how to do so.

Asynchronous functions

import { aggregate } from 'aleph-sdk-ts/messages/aggregate'

(async() => {
    await aggregate.Get(...)


Any core channel node multi-address can be used as an api_server. You can find a list of core nodes here and their multi-address in their "info".

Example of one of the nodes multi-address that can be found on /ip4/

Api Server Url would look like this:

https://<ip-address> or http://<ip-address>:4024

[Future Release] The Aleph will provide load-balancing in the future so the users don't have to pick an api_server.

Reasons for choosing a different api_server:

  • The latency decreases the closer the dApp is from the server

  • Some offer HTTPS others don't (yet).

Last updated