Update one key

Use the create endpoint to update a specific key content from an existing Aggregate.

Since creating an Aggregate message mutates the value of the specific key, if the key exists, the value object will be updated (mutated) with the object you are saving.


To illustrate the update process, below we are creating an aggregate, updating it, and showing you what the aggregate looks like through the calls.

import { aggregate } from 'aleph-sdk-ts'
import { StorageEngine } from "aleph-sdk-ts/messages/message"

// CREATE NEW AGGREGATE WITH KEY "MY KEY" --------------------------

(async () => {
  await aggregate.Publish({
    account: account,
    key: 'test_key',
    content: {'a': 1, 'b': 2 },
    channel: "TEST",
    storageEngine: StorageEngine.STORAGE,
    inlineRequested: true,
    APIServer: "https://api2.aleph.im"

    // >> Returns undefined

    // RETRIEVE THE KEY "test_key" -------------------------------------
    await aggregate.Get(address: account.address, keys: ['test_key'])

    // >> { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }


  // UPDATE THE KEY "MYKEY" -------------------------------------------
  await aggregate.Publish({
      address: account.address, 
      key: 'mykey', 
      content: {'a': 3, 'c': 5}, 
      channel: 'TEST',
      storageEngine: "STORAGE",
      inlineRequested: true,
      APIServer: "https://api2.aleph.im"

  // >> Returns the Aggregate object with the item_content key and
  // content that were passed in
  // {
  //   chain: 'ETH',
  //   channel: 'TEST',
  //   sender: '<ADDRESS WOULD DISPLAY HERE>',
  //   type: 'AGGREGATE',
  //   time: 1629242218.859,
  //   item_type: 'inline',
  //   item_content: '{"address":"<ADDRESS WOULD DISPLAY HERE>",
  //                    "key":"mykey",
  //                    "content":{'a': 3, 'c': 5},
  //                    "time":1629242218.859}',
  //   item_hash: 'd1a71b97cff51d9a1623a85c847675e85b36b5eb30239a715249b17698d6b7dc',
  //   signature: '0xdc7f26dd94f58b50cba058c6c47dc57f750b83149b94e5007a83f7feed11252774b620593c17daa7cf39ec9206d150a53b4bbbac8a7f1629894d30d583b742c61c'
  // }


  // RETRIEVE THE KEY------- -------------------------------------------
 await aggregate.Get({address: account.address, keys: ['mykey']})

  // >> { 'a': 3, 'b': 2, 'c': 5 }

Last updated