Forget a message

Creates a FORGET Message referencing Messages where the content and item_content will be emptied.


The forget message that was just created with the content containing the reason and hashes passed in.


from aleph_client.synchronous import forget

forget(account, hashes)

Required parameters

account - Account

Account submitting the forget message. Should either be:

  • the sender of the original message to forget OR the sender of the VM that created the message.

  • The address the original message was attributed to

hashes - List of strings

A list of original message item hashes to forget. Multiple can be passed at once.

Optional parameters

  • reason - string

    Optional description of why the messages should be forgotten.

  • storage_engine - string either: "ipfs" or "storage"

    Default: "storage"

    Storage engine to use. Possible values: "storage", "ipfs"

  • channel - string

    Default: "TEST"

    Channel of the message. Ideally, an application would decide and use one channel.

  • address - string

    Default: None

  • session - Session

    Default: None

  • api_server - string

    Default: ""

    Target API server.

Last updated