Broadcast Message

Sign Message & Broadcast

Message, account and api_server are required.

import { signature } from "aleph-sdk-ts/messages/create";

(async() => {
  await signature.SignAndBroadcast({
    message: message_to_broadcast,
    account: account,
    APIServer: api_url

Required parameters

message object should have the following structure:

  _id?: MongoDBID;
  chain: ChainType;
  sender: string;
  type: MessageType;
  channel: string;
  confirmations?: MessageConfirmation[];
  confirmed: boolean;
  signature: string;
  size: number;
  time: number;
  item_type: StorageEngine | "INLINE";
  item_content: string;
  hash_type?: string;
  item_hash: string;
  content?: {address: string, time: number;};

Optional parameters


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