Posting to the Network

Writing to the network requires a blockchain account which will serve as the referenced account on the resource generated.

Posting to the network is done in two steps:

  1. Connect a blockchain account

  2. Create a resource

1. Connect a blockchain account

The aleph-js library currently supports the following chains:

  • NULS 1.0 and NULS 2.0

  • Ethereum

  • Polkadot - Substrate

  • Cosmos & Cosmos SDK

  • Solana

  • Avalanche

Whether you connect to an existing blockchain account or create a new one, the account returned by the library is an object having:

  • a type: which type of account it is ETH, NULS, ...

  • an address

  • a public_key

  • a few other fields like a private_key, source, signer, name. Theprivate_key is needed by the signing and encryption modules.

  • mnemonics that can be used to reconstruct the private_key.

// Example of a NULS account imported or created through aleph-js
  private_key:  '<PRIVATE KEY DISPLAYED HERE>',
  mnemonics: '<this would be a mnemonics phrase>',
  type: 'NULS2',
  public_key: '<PUBLIC KEY DISPLAYED HERE>',
  address: '<ACCOUNT ADDRESS>',

➡️ With an existing blockchain account

You can connect any existing blockchain account by using the import_account function and passing in either the private key or the mnemonics of the account depending on the chain used.

import { avalanche } from 'aleph-js'

// Import account from private key
account = await avalanche.import_account({private_key: '<YOUR PRIVATE KEY>'})

➡️ With a web3 wallet provider

import { ethereum } from 'aleph-js'

let account = null

if (window.ethereum) {
  try {
    // Request account access if needed
    await window.ethereum.enable()
    account = await ethereum.from_provider(window['ethereum'] || window.web3.currentProvider)
  } catch (error) {
      // User denied account access...

➡️ With a newly created account

If your application user does not have a chain account yet, an account can be created for them with the new_account function.

Make sure the user has access and save the details of the account created for them.

import { avalanche } from 'aleph-js'

// Import account from private key
account = await avalanche.new_account()

More details on importing and creating an account are available here.

2. Create a resource

import { posts, ethereum } from 'aleph-js'

// Import account from the correct chain to post to Aleph
account = await ethereum.import_account({mnemonics: '<YOUR PASSPHRASE HERE>'})

await posts.submit(
  {'body': 'test post written on Aug 17th'},
    'account': account,
    'channel': 'TEST',
    'api_server': ''

🎉 A Message object, with a POST type, has been created and is returned.

  chain: 'ETH',
  channel: 'TEST',
  type: 'POST',
  time: 1629224958.629,
  item_type: 'inline',
  item_content: '{"type":"mytype","address":"<YOUR ACCOUNT ADDRESS WILL DISPLAY HERE>","content":{"body":"test post written on Aug 17th"},"time":1629224958.629}',
  item_hash: '7f146b0ecac264c8c2d48ffc3143b0be9329cad5f24861c8172a5f7a17d99385',
  signature: '0x3dab99351b5773a7d174ce71136c0f9ff23e26e8a347b1b3a90592f75ea4553300dbf7277243b7760f0ab4eede8ded26ae3d1228d7fc540379401d36639abcc71c'

All post, aggregate and store resources created in Aleph are inherently Message Objects. Depending on the type of resource created, the item_content object keys will differ.

3. Going further

Learn more about how you can create, update and query Post, Aggregate and Store objects.

Last updated